In 2017, Boeing teamed up with the Bristol University Computing Society to organise a 24hr hackathon themed around the environment. Teams of up to 6 students were encouraged to develop ideas that could monitor and tackle climate change, though beyond that they were given freedom to explore.
The event was attended by ~100 students, who produced incredible ideas, ranging from a computer vision system to detect your food and show you its carbon footprint (estimated by the travel distances of ingredients), to forest-fire predictions using mathematical modelling, and everything in-between!
My Contribution
- Part of a team who organised the Boeing-side of the event, including branding, attendance, logistics of the event.
- Mentored participants, assisted with development and advice on careers.
- Gave a talk on using computer vision and data analytics at the start of the event.
- 100 students entered in teams of 1-6, ranging from 1st year undergrad up to PhD.